Friday, August 13, 2010

bowl of blackberries

Sunny. The other day I went out in the back to pick a bowl of blackberries for a friend. After a few minutes, I looked into the bowl at the berries. I was astonished. The berries shone so brightly in their blackness. They were so intelligently designed, so elegantly arrayed, so simple and utterly miraculous. I fleetingly had the feeling that the answers to all of life's mysteries lay in that bowl of blackberries if I could only find the proper translation. The last time I had that feeling was just about a year ago looking at the stars over Upper Two Medicine Lake in Montana.
Erin asked me about a song I was singing along with when we were together last weekend. I found myself singing that song again when I was picking those blackberries.
...Then higher still
Beyond the blue until
I know I can
Like any man
Reach out my hand
And touch the face of God.

Al Jarreau

1 comment:

  1. Gay and I were looking at wildflowers and thinking of you on our walk yesterday in Colorado.
