Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Cloudy. Pumpkins, apples & mums for sale at stands along Rte. 7. My interest in astronomy has led to a greater awareness of impending weather conditions. The other day, we had a heavy afternoon rain followed by clearing, cooler weather. Even though the sky was clear, I didn't plan on using the telescope, it would be too foggy. Sure enough, the mist rolled in and obscured what would, otherwise, have been a clear night sky.


  1. mmm I love pumpkin and apple season. As much fruit as we have here, apples are really expensive (and not as good). Pops, we're going to a hostel in a volcanic crater this weekend. The website advertises a telescope on site to use. If the skies are clear, I might test it out.

  2. 1. I want to go there in Dec.
    2. Lagoon Nebula
    3. Andromeda Galaxy
    4. Jupiter
    5. Wild Duck Cluster
    6. Great Hercules Cluster

  3. Rain for the third day in a row in Denver, must be a record. High today only 74, which is really refreshing, maybe I wont go to sleep sweating tonight.

  4. I want to come back for apple and pumpkin season sometime before I am dottering idiot. OOh left myself wide open on that one.
