Monday, May 18, 2015

Christmas Eve

For the past couple of weeks the birds have been buzzing around in the back yard as they try to find suitable nesting sites. I have four bluebird houses in the back & they are all currently occupied I think. They are not all with bluebirds. There are two with swallows, and one with sparrows (which I don't like). One pair of bluebirds are firmly established in the house directly in the back per usual, but until recently there was a pair of swallows that thought it should be theirs. I moved a house to a spot fairly close by, and that seemed to solve matters. It was truly amazing to see how quickly the swallows found and occupied that new place. It was just a matter of minutes.
Honestly, it has seemed like the days leading up to Christmas. There has been a lot of rushing around, but now, like on Christmas Eve, all of the activity has diminished. Calm and silence prevail as parents focus on the central family unit.

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