Tuesday, June 7, 2016

morning shift

I don't usually do this, but I had to pass this along. We all got home on Sunday. Erin found out Sunday night, and Monday morning that Cartoons doesn't like to sleep unless he's being held. I got up on Monday morning about 4:00 to go to the bathroom, Erin and Cartoons were both up. I don't know who looked more dazed and confused. I offered to hold Cartoons to allow Erin to get a little sleep. This morning I got up at 3:30, and it was the same routine. I watched Cartoons and the sunrise so Erin could sleep.
I had a conference call with the United Way this morning. Mention was made of a meeting a couple of weeks from now from 1 to 3. I said I could probably attend if it was 1-3 PM, but if it was 1-3 AM, I probably couldn't make it.

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