Friday, July 29, 2016

Route 22

I drove up to Shelburne and back today. I had forgotten how terrible the road construction on Route 7 is these days. On the way back, I decided to take Route 22. I had forgotten what a beautiful drive that is. I wish I had asked Erin and Andy to consider taking that drive when they were here and driving in that direction. I will be gone for a week.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Joe Pye Weed

Some of the names of local wildflowers are beautiful: Queen Anne's Lace, Indian Paintbrush. Some are terrible: Cow Vetch, Bastard Toadflax. Joe Pye Weed is now appearing. I've always loved that name for some reason. Sounds like something out of Tom Sawyer.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Another beautiful day. The activities of the bluebirds in the back is one of the summer highlights. We've been fortunate enough to have bluebirds raising their young in the birdhouses along the fence line for many years. Often they have two hatches over the course of the summer. That has been the case this year. Eventually the young birds fledge. This is fairly easy to ascertain as there is more and more activity in the birdhouse as parents hurry to feed they brood. And then there is nothing, no activity at all as the young birds have left the nest. That was the case last night as the bluebirds weren't around per usual. I checked the house, and it was empty. They are not gone for good. I will see the young birds along the fence line for weeks as they are taught to fend for themselves. When Ellen lived here, she said she saw the bluebird family all winter long periodically, huddled around the old family home on the back fence

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

honey bees

As I've been outside mowing the lawn, and looking at Allyn's gardens, I've noticed the return of honey bees this summer (see it!). This is wonderful news. Honestly I haven't seen honeybees around here for a number of years. They are stressed and struggling in Vermont and around the country. They are certainly an important part of the ecology, and I welcome their return.
On the other side of the coin, after a few years of absence, I happily noted the return of the bat population last summer. For some reason, however, I haven't seen any this summer. I hope they're doing OK.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Asparagus seeds appearing along with the red conical seed pods of the sumac trees. Thistles appearing in the fields. The goldfinches love them. Pumpkin blossoms flowering in a field in Proctor.

Be silly, be honest, be kind.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Zen page-a-day calendar

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016

growing season

The growing season is in earnest in the Green Mountain state at this time. Corn is shooting up rapidly. Allyn planted lettuce, parsley and basil some weeks ago. For awhile, it looked like they wouldn't even survive. They are all thriving now. Looks like we'll have some pesto in the fall.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Pockets of lavender amid the greenery, common night shade and forget-me-nots. Got home late last night from the Giants-Red Sox game, and heard bears hooting in the back under the moonlight. Full moon, the "Thunder" Moon tonight.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


It's cool today, but it has been hazy hot and humid here recently. That is to be expected in mid July in Vermont. I have found myself sweating inside the house. Watermelon and NA beer have been popular items. Vermonters often use tents and other contraptions to sleep outside this time of year.

Monday, July 18, 2016

good bye

Erin, Andy and the kids headed off for Brasilia yesterday. Erin and Eliza have lived here since April. Cartoons was born here in June. Andy came back in July. It has been a loud and lively time here, a lot of people in a small house. I expected to be sad when they left, but I was mostly feeling gratitude and happiness, for all of us. There was a tinge of wistfulness to be sure. I felt exactly the same way when John, Ellen, and Owen left, mostly happiness and gratitude.
I loved my own grandparents, but they never lived with us. They never even took care of us in any meaningful way that I can remember. Not every grandparent gets to have the kind of intimate working relationship that we have been so fortunate to experience; walking Owen around Wallingford in his stroller, trying to get him to sleep. Taking Eliza to Wonderfeet, and then hauling her back home for her nap when she doesn't want to leave. Holding Clark at four in the morning to let Erin get some rest. It is always nice to feel you are needed.
These kinds of arrangements aren't always easy, but they are very fulfilling. There is the feeling that a foundation has been laid upon which something meaningful can be built. I am grateful for wonderful children and grandchildren. I am grateful for Ellen and Andy for letting us in. I'm a lucky guy.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Woman bicyclist stopped along the side of the road, eating an apple, gazing off into a pasture full of cows.

In the sun
the butterfly wings
Like a church window
Jack Kerouac
Zen page-a-day calendar

Thursday, July 14, 2016

happy anniversary!

Four years ago today we were getting ready for Erin & Andy's wedding. Things were pretty chaotic. This morning Clark celebrated the occasion by pooping in his diaper, pooping on his changing station, and peeing on himself while being changed. Eliza was unfazed. She was watching Curious George on TV. Times have changed.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

summer snowflakes

Second batch of bluebirds visible in the bird house in the back. Silage trucks on the roads, green flakes swirling behind the trucks, like summer snowflakes. Roadsides being mowing to keep down the tall grass.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Strawberry season over at Wood's Market. They still have plenty of great fruits and vegetables, however. Season of family gatherings. We had a great one.