Was up early this morning. It was still dark when I walked out to the car. I heard a strange sound. At first I thought it was coming from some kind of exotic chicken in the neighbor's chicken coop. I kept listening, and finally I figured out what it was. It was a coyote, yip, yipping high up on a hill. Then he let out a howl. I was immediately filled with a strong emotion. Thrilling comes close, but that's not exactly it. It was a primitive, elemental, deep feeling.
This has happened to me before. To have a very strong emotional reaction to something, but not be able to put a name to it. You would think that might happen with a weak, barely discernible emotional reaction, but not a strong one. I wonder what's going on here?
This has happened to me before. To have a very strong emotional reaction to something, but not be able to put a name to it. You would think that might happen with a weak, barely discernible emotional reaction, but not a strong one. I wonder what's going on here?
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