Friday, September 14, 2018


Got home last night about 10:30. The sky was clear and the stars were out. Was able to see the Double Cluster and the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. There is a hurricane to the far south, but it's another sunny day here in Vermont. Fog in the valleys this morning, autumn is coming.
Speaking of autumn, apples are ripening in my back yard and all through the northeast at this time. There are two apple trees in our yard, and as they fall they complicate mowing. Allyn dumped four buckets of apples from one of the trees in a nearby field the other day as she was preparing to mow. The cows love them. I asked her if any had fallen from the other tree. She said three or four. These trees are about 40 yards apart. One of the trees has a lot of apples and the other has virtually none. It's a mysterious and amazing world that we live in. 

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