Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 Spring is a busy time here on the other side of the creek. Bluebirds have been around on and off during the winter, but now they have started the annual nest building in the birdhouse in the back. Saw a flicker in the back yard the other day. I see them infrequently but regularly over the course of the summer.

This is an old photo I got online somewhere

Woodpeckers are very busy this time of year. A lot of their pecking activity right now is not for food, but establishing their territories. They find the loudest thing possible to bang on. Telephone poles are popular. There is a woodpecker on the Crossroad that likes to peck on the back end of a building that is falling apart. This tumble-down shack acts like a giant megaphone for him. There is an old cylindrical metal well about a hundred yards from our house. A few years ago there was a woodpecker that liked to peck on that. He really made a lot of noise.

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