Wednesday, July 13, 2011

midsummer classic

Sunny & hot. Thunderheads blossoming over the Green Mountains. Torrential downpours the other night, large tree limbs down in a yard in West Rutland. Bluebirds nesting again in the back yard. It's the first time I've ever seen that happen. National League won the All Star game, the Midsummer Classic, last night.

1 comment:

  1. Some big rain here last night, up to four inches in the metro area along with some really great thunder and lightning. I guess we are into the monsoon season here, which means we get rain every afternoon and evening. Ate a few beans from our "garden" last night and noticed some flowers on the tomato plants the other day. Ellen doubted we would ever get anything from our anemic tomato plants, but I still believe.
