Friday, February 10, 2012

hot stove league

from mustbone 3030 on flickr

17 degrees and clear. The natural world has its transitions, and so does the world of sports. The Superbowl is finished. Basketball and hockey are in midseason form. Duke & North Carolina had a classic game on Wednesday night, and there's a big Division III hockey game on Saturday night between #1 Norwich and Castleton State College. Yesterday in the cafeteria at work, however, the talk turned to baseball. The hot stove league was heating up in good form. I ended up talking with a co-worker about some of the bad Giants teams from the 70's. He was very polite. His eyes didn't glaze over even once. Picture of baseball players practicing in the gym at CSC in the Rutland Herald. The golf tournament at Pebble Beach is in full swing.

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