Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I've been doing what evolved into this blog since 2007. I see the yearly changes in the world every day, but there are few real revelations. The other day, however, I was walking over to the production building, and walked by some Burning Bush. The berries were still  flaming red, but the leaves were long gone. I realized that the berries will remain rooted on the branches virtually all winter long, providing feed for the chickadees, and other cold weather warriors. As I was walking back to the admin. building, I went past the crabapple tree. Again, the leaves were long gone, but so were the apples. They had also fallen off the tree quite awhile ago. It made me realize that while trees and bushes are all trying to spread their seed far and wide, they are attempting to attract difference species to actually do the work. Bushes with berries are looking for birds to carry away the seeds. Fruit-bearing trees are looking for animals on the ground like deer to eat the fruit and disseminate the seeds in their travels. It was a small but interesting insight into the workings of the natural world that I hadn't really thought about before. This is one of the reasons I keep doing this.

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