Thursday, December 11, 2014

anatomy of a snowstorm

Our latest snowstorm began on Tuesday.
Allyn had a snow day. It didn't start snowing until about 4:00 PM.
When I left work, however, it was really coming down, big wet flakes about the size of an apricot.
It was very difficult driving home. I was going about 30 on the bypass, about 20 when I got behind a slow mover on 133. Doug said he got behind someone going 5 mph.
Allyn went to Bone Builders. When she got home, she said there was a tree leaning over the lane. It was on the neighbor's property so I called him. We cut it up together.

Wednesday the storm continued. Allyn had a snow day. I got a call from work to stay home until called. It's the first time we've both been home on a workday that I can remember.
I finally went in to work about 10:00, limbs hanging down. The snow was very wet. The snow that had been moved by the snowplows held itself together. It looked like a large ice cream log.
It snowed, sleeted & rained all day. It was snowing hard when I drove home. This time I was able to hit 40 on the bypass, and 30 on 133.

Thursday morning. The storm appears to be over. Allyn has a two hour delay at school. Sheesh.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of trees reminds me of ice storms in Ohio and delicious treats of staying home. All we get in Mississippi are frost drifts across dormant Bermuda grass.
    I Like neighborly tree removal project.
    Every once in awhile like Tuesday the email sends your post to ether. Now when I notice a miss I realize I can check blog. 😀Duh.
    So excited for John and Ellen!
