Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stringfellow Hawke

Yesterday was sunny and 64 degrees which is warm for here at this time of year. Allyn and I both noticed the ominous shadow of a large bird circling over the back field. I went outside to look. It was a red tailed hawk flying very low and slow. The swallows were not amused.

Like the geese, bluebirds, swallows, and many other species, the raptors migrate in the spring and fall. And they are back. There is a hill behind our house, and on windy days the raptors utilize the thermals there to glide over the surrounding countryside. They have been a part of our life here on the other side of the creek for many years. As a matter of fact, at one time there was a red tailed hawk that used to perch on a fence post in the back near the asparagus patch, not 50 yards from our house. He was named Stringfellow after a television character from that era, Stringfellow Hawke.

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