Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I guess this is going to be avian week here on the other side of the creek. Noticed the other day that the swallows have returned to the back field. My interest in birds has similarities to my interest in the world of sports. In sports you can pick your heroes and villains, and there doesn't need to be any logical or rational reasoning behind those selections. I feel the same way about the birds; there are good birds and there are bad birds even though they are all really doing the same thing, using their abilities and instincts to survive. The swallows are among the "good" birds. They embody grace and elegance in everything they do. They are amazingly acrobatic fliers and gliders. It is just a joy to watch swallows be swallows.

old photo from flickr

We don't see things as they are, 
we see them as we are.
The Talmud
Page-a-day calendar on gratitude

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