Tuesday, November 10, 2020

warm weather

Another sunny day in the 70's...in November. The bluebirds have returned. I saw about 8 of them hanging around the bluebird house in the back. I always thought they migrated, but I looked it up. Avian Report says that most bluebirds don't migrate. The map I saw indicated that Vermont is considered within their year round territory. Some bluebirds spend the summer in Canada and those are the ones that migrate. Also, there can be situational migrations, when there's a blizzard or cold snap, some of the birds might head south temporarily. 

Awhile ago I mentioned that a branch of the forsythia had blossomed when a cold snap was followed by warm weather. Recently we have noticed the same phenomenon with regard to daffodils in the front yard.

Don't know if you can make this out, these are emerging daffodils! That can't be good. Is anybody else seeing the same kinds of activity? Also the tick population had returned with a vengeance. I think it's due to the same pattern of cold temperatures followed by warm weather.

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