Friday, June 11, 2010

nine squirrels

Cloudy. During the winter I used to fill up the bird feeder at work once a day. Now I am filling it three times a day. I think it's because the bird population is greater now, and that they feed more with the longer daylight. There is a woodpecker (hairy or downy) who's found the feeder. He splatters seeds all over the place. Yesterday there were nine, count 'em, nine squirrels scurrying around underneath. There are only six openings on the feeder for the birds. I'm going to have to get a part time job to pay for the seed.


  1. Same here, in the winter we have a few squirrels that live off of the bad table manners of the boreal chickadees. In summer we have to put the seed away so that we don't have bears trying to clean up the same mess. Also, nice titles.

  2. Post script.
    I later found out that an evening worker here saw five foxes out eating seed under the same bird feeder at dusk. I wonder if they got any squirrels?
