Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Starting on Sunday, we had a storm that lasted well into Monday afternoon. We started out with rain that quickly changed to ice, then snow. We had about a foot of the white stuff. Northern Vermont had 24-30 inches. The aftermath included: small ponds forming in our lane, a neighbor's car was halfway out into the road as he failed to negotiate the snow in front of his house. I had my own troubles. My tires were frozen in the ice this morning, and I had to dig them out. It took me two tries to drive out of the lane; Allyn was observing me directly behind. The bypass was deserted when I came into work yesterday. Route 7 looked like Sunday morning at 6:00, not Monday at 8:00. Or maybe New Years day, in Fairbanks, Alaska.
And yet... the crabapple tree outside my office was covered with miniature icicles, hundreds of them. They looked like the tiny Christmas lights Allyn has on the lilac bush out front. You had to admit it was beautiful.

Don't think: Look!
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Zen page a day calendar


  1. The shoulder seasons, particularly winter to spring, offer some truly magical weather phenomenon.

  2. Bill, I've never heard that expression, the shoulder seasons. I guess that means the transition from one season to another. Is that right?

  3. In Vermont they call it Mud Season.
