Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cheshire Cat Moon

For the last couple of weeks, the night sky has been thick with planets. Jupiter & Venus high in the evening sky in the west while Mars rises bright and pink over the Green Mountains in the east. Saturn can be found on the morning walk next to Spica. Even the elusive planet Mercury has made an appearance, and I stopped on my way home to view it a couple of weeks ago. The crescent moon, Jupiter, and Venus were lined up, and pointing to the area where Mercury was supposed to appear above the horizon. It was still light out, and I kept looking back to the moon and the planets to make sure I was scanning the correct area in the sky.
The moon had an unusual appearance. It was almost like it was lying on its back with the points of the crescent heading straight up. I read in the paper that this is the usual appearance at this time of year. As I kept looking, the moon seemed to take on a life of its own. It started to smile at me, much like the eerie cat that ate the canary smile of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. Then it seemed like the whole universe was part of the act with the Cheshire Cat Moon playing the lead role. All of the universal secrets were there to behold if only I could find the right key. The moon seemed to be very confident that I would fumble the opportunity away. It was unnerving actually. I'm out here minding my own business, trying to locate a faint planet, and the universe is spying on me, laughing at me. Fortunately Mercury did finally show itself, and I made my way home.
The full moon, the "Worm" moon is tonight.

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