Friday, March 9, 2012

sense of loss

Yesterday the temperature was 48 degrees when we woke up, and made it into the 60's during the day. The temperatures are supposed to be in the 30's over the weekend, but then moving into the 50's for days and days. It feels like we are coming to the end of the winter that never really came in the first place. When you do a blog like this you really learn to appreciate the small moments associated with all of the seasons. There is a sense of loss when they never appear as they have in years past. I am thankful for the few wintry moments we've had in the last few days. Scraping ice off the windshield of my pickup truck with a comb. Snow blowing and drifting across Stratton road. Randy spreading salt on the walkway at work. Sound of ice pellets glancing off the windows at home. Huge snow flakes when driving through Chippenhook, sugar snow.
I had to bring some wood in last night during the rain. I don't think I'll miss that one bit.

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