Tuesday, September 22, 2015


On Friday morning I got up around 4:00 to head out for a golf game in Connecticut. I looked out the bedroom window, and saw the planet Venus blazing in the eastern sky. It is said that the Buddha, after meditating all night, came to enlightenment after glancing at the morning star, Venus. It's never been difficult for me to see how something like that could happen. The brightness out of darkness of such a moment is truly penetrating.
The morning fog made for challenging driving, but added it's own special beauty to daylight's approach. Somewhere around Danby, when the sky was a little lighter, I saw the planet Mercury on the horizon. It's just a pinprick of light in comparison with Venus, harder to see but a delight nonetheless.
It was a long day on the golf course, and it was dark when I got back to my car in Arlington for the ride home. The waxing crescent moon was already high in the sky; a little slice of mother-of-pearl. I played pretty well on Friday, but that was really incidental to a beautiful fall experience in New England.

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