Friday, September 4, 2015


You can monitor the changing of the seasons in a number of ways. The best way is through observing the changes in the natural world. Other ways are through the changes in the sports world, changes in food markets, and also differences in traffic on the roadways. Traffic has moved from summer campers and boat trailers to school buses and trucks hauling fair equipment.
The Great Vermont State Fair starts today I think. In actuality, it's a long ways from great in my opinion. It's the opposite of uplifting. A much better fair is the Addison Farm & Fair Days which happens much earlier in August. I was able to attend this fair along with Erin & family as we were heading to Montreal for the weekend some weeks ago. Elizajim (sp) was able to see first hand many of the animals she had been reading about in her books. She was spellbound.
Like any two year old, she is a child of many moods. It's funny that when she's happy she's usually doing one of two things. She's either yakking a mile a minute or she's totally mute. We didn't hear a peep from her when she was meeting the bunnies, chickens, calves, goats, etc. in the animal barn at the fair.

1 comment:

  1. I chuckled at the Vermont State Fair slam. Eliza really did have an amazing time with all of the animals at the fair!
