Friday, September 25, 2015

for Doug

So let's say the winter wood burning season lasts from the middle of October through the middle of April. That's about 180 days. I usually burn about 15 pieces of wood a day so that comes to about 2,700 pieces. I finished splitting those 2,700 logs yesterday after having cut them up from trees around the property, and transporting them down to a staging area in this field. Now all I have to do load them in the truck, move them to the area behind the house, unload them, and stack them all (sarcasm). It is quite a process, but there is nothing like the feeling of wood heat emanating from the wood stove on a cold day in the middle of January.
I'm sure that Doug is smirking and shaking his head. Even though he had Kristin's wedding to contend with, he had his wood in week's ago. 

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