Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Cabin fever part 1

Town meeting was last night. It was memorable mostly because the moderator, Mary Mitiguey, is a woman. We were remarking on the way home that that's got to be a first in the history or our town. She did a great job.

Let us realize that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
Martin Luther King

I hope he's right.

Anyway, I was getting dressed this morning, getting ready to meet the day, and I saw a flash of orange/red in a maple tree across the creek. Could be a cardinal, I said to myself. I've seen a lot of those lately, but, could it be...a robin; the first of the year? I ran to the kitchen to get my binoculars. I didn't have anything to write about today. If it's a robin, that would make for great subject matter. I hope it doesn't fly away in the meantime.

When I got back to the bedroom, it was still there. I focused in on the redness and saw that it wasn't a robin, not even a cardinal. It was a reddish maple leaf left over from the fall. I scanned the entire tree, it's a big one, and couldn't find another leaf remaining. It was the only one. Temperatures in the teens and single numbers at night through the rest of the week, but moderating to more seasonable numbers for the weekend. It's about time.

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