Thursday, August 15, 2019

full disclosure

old photo from Flickr

After yesterday's post with the photo of the moon shining through the trees, a couple people asked if I took that photo. That is actually a question I get a lot on this blog. The answer in that particular case is that I think I did, but I'm not really sure. I have been posting photos on this blog for years and the blog site saves the photos that I've used. This is helpful because I do often reuse those photos like I did yesterday. In the early days of this blog, I often used photos that I found on flickr, and I did try to make the proper attributions, but it's just the photos that get saved, not where they come from.

I've often wondered what would be the proper thing to do. I guess I should write something along the lines of what's written with today's photo. Sometimes I use quotes that I get from my Zen page-a-day calendar, and I try to remember to make the proper attributions there. Sometimes I forget to do that, and I apologize. I know this is no excuse, but I feel the viewership on this blog is not large, and I hope my friends and family will forgive me.

Full moon, the "Sturgeon" moon is tonight.

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