Monday, August 17, 2020


 Another beautiful weekend. Temperature 52 degrees this morning. Apples falling from trees. Pine cones maturing and being promptly consumed by squirrels.

Spent some of yesterday cleaning up the perimeter of fields here in preparation for brush hogging in the fall. Was able to consume some delicious wild blackberries in between cutting up some brush.

I actually saw a Vermont wildflower for the first time while I was out there, Horse Nettle. That's the first time that has happened in years.

Full disclosure, I've been scanning the milkweed for weeks now, looking for Monarch butterfly caterpillars. Saw one yesterday almost by accident.

I wanted to bring it home and put it in our jar, but we're going to be gone in about a week so I let it be. Maybe I'll be able to find it's chrysalis down the road.


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