Wednesday, January 27, 2021

and yet...

 Another couple of inches of snow yesterday. Primary colors are white, brown, and gray. Yet... it is still light out at 5:00. A month ago it was dark at 5. The birds are making much more noise now on the daily walk. Not every day but some days. There are the usual calls of the crows and jays, but they seem much more energetic. There are new sounds coming from the birds. I think the chickadees have changed from their winter call to their spring call, establishing their territory. It also sounds that there are some new birds that have made it back from wherever they've been.

There are a couple of maple sap gathering places on the walk. Yesterday I saw some signs of activity at one of them.

It might be wishful thinking on my part, but maybe they are gearing up for the sap gathering season, checking their taps and lines. We haven't heard from the guys that tap at our place, but I know that in year's past they have gotten started in January. They have even had some sap runs if we're experiencing a January thaw (not this year). It's not obvious but things are changing.


Whether through the patterns left in snow, or geese honking in the dark, or the brilliant wet leaf that hits your face the moment you are questioning your worth, the quiet teachers are everywhere, pointing us to the unlived portion of our lives.

Mark Nepo

Zen page-a-day calendar

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