Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 I didn't see them but I heard them, red winged blackbirds screeching from a soggy area on the walk yesterday morning. A sure sign of spring.

old photo
I saw them, but I didn't hear them. Mourning Doves spied while out walking. Mourning Doves for some reason have never been a species that has sparked my imagination. I think it goes back to that presumption that anything common can't be too interesting. Again I was wrong. I wondered whether Mourning Doves migrate and found this site with a lot of interesting information about them.

Saw a pair of birds with reddish upper bodies hanging out in the forsythia bush in the back. I dug out my field guide for birds and it looks like they could have been purple finches or red polls. I have moved the field guide from the book shelf to the table in the kitchen where I eat my breakfast.

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