Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 The water in the Ira Creek is very clear this time of year.

Allyn has mentioned several times the relative "feel" of temperatures in the spring and fall. In the spring a temperature, say 50, can feel warm and the same temperature in the fall can feel cool. It's not hard to figure out why. Two days ago we went out to walk and the temperature was 50 degrees. At one point during the walk, it felt so warm I took off my wind breaker and rolled up my sleeves. Yesterday when we went out the temperature was around 30 and again I took off my coat and rolled up my sleeves.

The most extreme example of this phenomenon I ever heard was from a reader of this blog. She and her husband were camping somewhere in the far north. A severe storm came through and they were stuck for days in their tent with temperatures well below zero. After the storm had passed, the temperature rose to zero. It felt so warm they went about their business for a time in tee shirts.

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