Monday, September 19, 2011


Clear and cold. We had our first frost of the season last night. The road commissioner repaired most of the damage to our lane on Friday night (you can see the blog from 8/31 for the before shot). Route 4 from Rutland to Killington was opened on Friday as well. There was a great article in the Rutland Herald about how Doug Casella, the president of Casella Construction had worked with Governer Shumlin to minimize the red tape, allowing the completion of the project in record time. Shumlin said (with some hyperbole I'm sure) that he thought it would take 18 weeks to make the repairs and it had taken 18 days. Shumlin had been talking with Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey about recovery in his state of New Jersey. Christie had said it was going slowly. Shumlin had said things were going quickly in Vermont. He told Christie that in New Jersey people are driving Mercedes and BMW's while in Vermont, it's not unusual to find a tractor or backhoe in people's back yards. I have to admit it made me smile.

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