Friday, September 23, 2011

foliage season

There is a new employee at work who grew up in Vermont, but has spent the last several years in Florida. I passed him in the hall the other day, and mentioned how he must be looking forward to foliage season. The gleam in his eye said it all.

There is an anticipation this time of year that is almost akin to Christmas morning as the trees begin to unwrap themselves. It is impossible to know if it's going to be a good year or not until it happens. The first trees to turn are those found in swamps and wet areas. Often they are among the most colorful.

The leaves can be brilliant on a sunny day, but, believe it or not, they are almost more impressive on a cloudy or rainy one. In a good foliage year, the leaves on the trees almost seem to give off their own light.

As you can see, I was out the other day trying to capture the expanding show of color I see all around me. On the one hand, it is frustrating that it seems impossible to recapture the emanations of red, gold, and yellow. On the other hand it seems only right that one has to come and see it to truly experience it.

The recently repatriated Vermonter said that all the forecasts point to an above average foliage season; something to do with all the rain we've had. I am happy for my brother, and his family who will be visiting from Montana in a couple of weeks. I think they will be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. coming from someone who grew up in Vermont, yet has not seen fall foliage in literally ten years, I:
    1) am jealous of the Billsters
    2) appreciate the blog photos/VT Life calendar in the meantime
    3) will certainly have that gleam in my eye the next foliage chance I get
