Wednesday, October 7, 2020

blog housekeeping


I've had three interesting emails recently regarding this blog. One person indicated that on Saturday she was working outside up in Shelburne and saw about 3,000 geese pass overhead over the course of the day. What a sight that must have been. Another person mentioned an experience of having a crow flying low overhead, and hearing the swish, swish, swish of its wings. When your in a certain state of mind, those kinds of experiences can be moving and mysterious. He said this blog "creates another, albeit virtual, community."

Personally, that's also the way I see it. I am fortunate that I get so many comments back that enrich my life, and hopefully the lives of the rest of the participants.

I got another comment where the sender said that she's getting so many emails these days that she wanted me to stop sending this to her. Of course, I'm happy to oblige. Sending these along in the manner that I do is certainly presumptuous on my part. Awhile ago another participant indicated that she wanted to get the blog, but didn't want to get any follow up comments. I think I was able to accommodate her on that score. 

My hope is that people feel free to respond to my blog whenever they see fit. I find those comments uplifting. I also hope that if people don't want to get it anymore, or would like to make any other adjustments to how they participate or not, to please let me know.

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