Wednesday, October 21, 2020

murder of crows

 Recently we woke up to a warm and sunny day, and headed out for the daily walk a little earlier than usual, about sunrise. As we got to the top of the hill, we heard the cacophonous calling of a murder of crows, they truly sounded murderous, from somewhere in the forest canopy. After the noise died down, I started to see them heading out on their daily rounds, groups of three or four at a time. I remember seeing this activity back when I was a working person. It seemed that on times of the year when my arrival and departure from work were around dawn and dusk respectively, I would see them heading out or returning to the pine forests near work. They seemed so purposeful yet mysterious in this daily commute to wherever it is that they go. On the one hand I felt that I could identify with their activities, we were both heading commuting, but on the other hand, their lives seemed so far away and distant from mine.


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