Friday, March 23, 2018

sun pillar

Temperatures have warmed a bit closer to normal. Above freezing during the day, below freezing during the night. Corn snow (crystalline) in the mornings, sugar snow (big flakes) in Rutland the other night.
Saw a sun pillar when driving through Middlebury around sunset recently. The sun shining on ice crystals high overhead. Amazing.

One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of a March thaw, is the spring.
A cardinal whistling spring to a thaw but later finding himself mistaken, can retrieve his error by resuming his winter silence. A chipmunk, emerging for a sunbath but finding a blizzard, has only to go back to bed. But a migrating goose, staking two hundred miles of black night on the chance of finding a hole in the lake, has no easy chance for retreat. His arrival carries the conviction of a prophet who has burned his bridges.

A Sand County Almanac
Aldo Leopold

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